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Become A Goodguys Member

The World’s Largest Hot Rod Association

Be A Part Of The Journey

We’re America’s favorite car show for a reason – we do it the best. Since 1983 we’ve entertained the best Rodder’s and their rides from coast-to-coast year after year at our events, on our tours and in our magazine.

Now’s your chance to join the community, share the ride and experience what the real classic car & truck lifestyle is all about.

Join Goodguys

15 Events Nationwide
6 Members-Only Road Tours
65,000+ Members Strong

Event Life

Event Life

It's just something you have to experience

Goodguys hosts shows all across the nation each year, bringing thousands of hot rod, classic car and trick truck owners together at each event. Tens of thousands of spectators pour through the gates to admire the passion behind the rides.

Our Events Feature

  • Kick-off parties
  • Live music
  • Burnout competitions
  • Nitro Thunderfest exhibitions
  • Indoor car shows
  • Goodguys AutoCross Series
  • Kid’s Zones
  • Giveaways
  • Vendors & Manufacturers
  •  Awards chosen by industry pro’s
  •  Shopping
  • And more…

Road Tour Life

The journey is the destination

“You Gotta Drive ‘Em” was the mantra our company founder Gary Meadors stood by and live by. Each year we host six or more member-only road trips to traverse the roads of America between events, forging friendships and creating forever memories.

Goodguys Hot Rod Cruises are designed to spend quality time cruising and relaxing down the highway with your buddies. We stop at cool places, hot rod shops, exclusive car collections and other points of interest along the way.

Road Tour Life

Our Award Winning Magazine

Flipping the pages of everything hot roddin'

If our events are the lifeblood of the company, then the Goodtimes Gazette is the backbone of the organization. The first issue of the Goodguys Goodtimes Gazette, the company’s official monthly magazine, rolled off the presses in April of 1989.

Goodguys Gold Members receive print versions of the magazine every month. It is a true coffee table fixture and a living Hot Rod chronicle at the same time.

The Gazette not only has in-depth coverage of the Goodguys events throughout the year with stunning photography but also it includes popular sections like Shop Tours, How-To’s, Product Reviews, Buyers Guides, Historical Features as well as classifieds and more.

Member Benefits

Discount Event Registration

$10 off up to two-weeks before the event

Exclusive Partner Discounts

Save  on Classic Car Insurance, Travel, Hotels, Transportation and more

Event Ticket Discounts

$5 per ticket discounts for all Goodguys events

Coveted Awards

All members are in the running for a range of awards given out at event and all year long, inlcuding the coveted Top 12 and Builder’s Choice awards.

Goodguys Gazette

12 monthly issues of the award winning Goodguys magazine. 

Goodguys Merchandise Savings

SAVE 10% off Goodguys merchandise at any Goodguys event (only). $5.00 minimum (excludes event specific and clearance items). Must present membership card at time of purchase.

A Digital Community

Members only monthly e-mail newsletter and Members only Facebook Group

Membership Window Decals

Prove your a member of the world’s largest hot rod association.

Win The Giveaway Ride

Each year we give away a new custom built ride and all members are automatically entered for their chance to win. Checkout this year’s giveaway car.

Join Today

Gold U.S. Membership

$ 50
A Year
  • (12) Monthly Hard-Copy Issues of the Goodguys Gazette Magazine
  • Personalized Membership Card & Vehicle Window Decals
  • Automatic Entry For Chance To Win Annual Goodguys Giveaway Car
  • $10 Vehicle Pre-Registration Discounts For Goodguys Events
  • $5 Spectator Ticket Discounts For Goodguys Events
  • Exclusive Partner Discounts On Parts, Services, Insurance & More
  • Goodguys Travel Discounts
  • Goodguys Merchandise Discounts (Online and At-Event)

Choose Your Gold Membership Type

Are you an existing Goodguys Member that just needs to renew your membership?

You will need to login to renew your membership.
If you have not set a password for the new system, please do so here first. You will be taken to the login screen after you set your password.